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The Transhumanist Quest for Immortality with Dr. David Martorano

Immortality is a long-coveted fantasy of many a fictional supervillain and one which has intrigued many among us. It’s an idea which invokes both wonder and fear, but often sought by those who desire to stay alive for varied reasons. How does one gain immortality? Is modern transhumanist science – combining the powers of tech with one’s human bran and body – the answer? At what cost would one want to become immortal? Would it a gift, curse or perhaps both at the same time? Dr. David Martorano explores the questions from varied points of view while telling a fascinating story in Immortality.
In the book, Dr. Martorano takes the reader to New Babylon, a post-E-pocalypse technology-dominated future world run by artificial intelligence and occupied by the results of humans merging with computers (similar to the vision of today’s transhumanists, some of whom are devising microchips for human brains).
The author’s fictional world has some interesting parallels to our own: The corporate technocrats, the tech-worshippers, those wary of the dangers of a technocracy, anti-tech extremists and many who are caught in the middle.
Dr. Mortorano cleverly balances the positive impacts of alternative intelligence and transhumanist tech with its destructive potential, asking two rather interesting questions: What happens if people lost much of their humanity in exchange for computer-based convenience and could powerful artificial intelligence gain a level of humanity as the two entities interact? He offers perspectives on the latter through an AI named MARTIN, who balances his role in the world and his familiarity with humans. Dr. Martorano takes a rather intriguing look at the world today’s Transhumanists fantasize about through their ambitious lenses. He also looks at the extreme on the other side, which see technological progress as dangerous and, in some cases, evil.
 Readers will both be engulfed by the story and provoked into thought about a question scientists, theologists, philosophers, storytellers, politicians and free-thinkers have asked for decades: Could Artificial Intelligence, as it keeps moving toward its full potential, evolve or destroy humanity?

About Dr. David Martorano:  Dr. Martorano is a visionary board-certified informatician and psychiatrist with a distinguished career in management and clinical care. After completing his medical training at Columbia University and his residency in psychiatry at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute, Dr. Martorano has dedicated over a decade to advancing clinical services and medical leadership.His expertise spans psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and addiction treatment. He has honed his skills at prestigious institutions such as UCLA’s Addiction Medicine Clinic, Mood Disorders Clinic, Anxiety Disorders Clinic, and Interpersonal Psychotherapy Clinic. His research background includes groundbreaking work in reproductive neuroendocrinology at the Rockefeller Institute and contributions to electrophysiology and alternative medicine literature.

S4 E4 – Dr Shereen Lim Reveals Why Many of us Have Trouble Breathing: BREATHE, SLEEP, THRIVE

Did you know that the way a child breathes will impact every aspect of their development including their sleep quality, learning, behaviour, jaw and facial development, speech, and future health?
Dr, Sherren Lim wrote Breathe, Sleep, Thrive to connect the dots to help you identify the important developmental milestones for good airway health development and breathing, the red flags that indicate things are off track, and what can be done about it to help your child not just survive, but thrive.
I found this quite a bit intriguing as it affected my own health from youth into adulthood. This book is an excellent resource for parents whose children may be experiencing the same issues. Their lives could be changed for the better

Pick up Dr. Lim’s book here: Breathe, Sleep, Thrive: Discover how airway health can unlock your child’s greater health, learning, and potential : Lim, Shereen: Books

Dr Shereen Lim is a Perth based dentist with a post graduate diploma in dental sleep medicine from the University of Western Australia.She has been involved in the team management of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea for over a decade.Dr Lim is dedicated to promoting airway health from infancy as an alternative approach to minimize the development of these problems, and is author of the book “Breathe, Sleep, Thrive: Discover How Airway Health Can Unlock Your Child’s Greater Health, Learning and Potential.”Her work in private practice is restricted to tongue tie management from infancy to adulthood, early interceptive orthodontics and myofunctional therapy.

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S3 E10- A Natural History of Humanity as Told by an Alien Visitor

Many of us have wondered what an alien civilization might discover about us long after the extinction of humanity as well as what might lead to society’s demise. Author and Modern-Day Philosopher Ishi Nobu explores this from foreign planet scholars’ point of view in his new book, The Story of Humanity: Ecology & Consequence.

While exploring mankind’s history through the lens of visiting Anthropologic scholars decades beyond its end, not unlike modern humans of the same profession have done to explain discoveries pertaining to their observances of our own ancient civilizations. Such an approach by Nobu offers a surreal element to the way our story might be told through what we may leave behind as we of modern times are the mystery being unlocked and explored.

Ishi Nobu is an independent scholar & guru who conveys his deep comprehension of Nature and reality. These efforts are displayed in his comprehensive coverage of all aspects of Nature, human endeavor, and spirituality. His previous books: The Red Pill: Mastering The Matrix; Clarity: The Path Inside; Unraveling Reality: Behind the Veil of Existence; and the 8-book Spokes of the Wheel cycle: The Science of Existence, The Web of Life, The Elements of Evolution, The Ecology of Humans, The Echoes of The Mind, The Fruits of Civilization, The Pathos of Politics, and The Hub of Being.

Nobu is renowned for deliberate, incisive scholarship. He has the rare talent of drawing insights from multiple disciplines and weaving them into a revealing consilience. Follow Nobu on Twitter @ishinobu_actual.

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S3 E09- The Devil's Calling: Will Over-Reliance on Tech and AI Wilt Our Humanity?

Imagine a world where technology allows for direct interface between the human brain and quantum computers, exponentially increasing the creative abilities of humanity and holding the potential to make war, hunger, poverty, pandemics and other human suffering obsolete. When human capability is enhanced by that much, how does ego resist the temptation toward power and control? What would happen if an ultimate technological power gets into the wrong hands – those who further seek to link minds directly through this quantum computer into an augmented hive-mind?

A sequel to his first offering, The Lost Theory, Michael Kelley takes the reader to the characters’ lives nine years later in the thrilling sci-fi adventure, The Devil’s Calling.

Kelley mixes mystery, science-fiction, philosophy, spirituality and action in this globe-spanning thriller of a novel. As in the previous book, the story centers around Sean McQueen and Emily Edens, the latter nominated for a Nobel Prize in Physics, finding themselves thrust into the position of having to save the world with the help of friends and an AI the two befriended.

On the surface, Kelley takes the reader around the planet for an intriguing high-tech experience while at the same time leading a similar tour of McQueen’s mind, inner conflict and feelings for Emily.

For those in our listening audience who enjoy the proverbial “Easter Eggs” within books and other creations, Kelley offers nods to some of the great classic rock artists sprinkled throughout the book.

Michael Kelley fell in love with literature and creative writing while at the University of Pennsylvania. He put this passion to the side during a lengthy career on Wall Street, where he worked as a lawyer, built an international business, and founded his own investment management firm. After leaving the financial world, he engaged in studies of quantum physics, Eastern mysticism, and philosophy. From these studies, he developed a “Theory of Everything” which became the basis of his novels.

After years of life in New York City, Michael now lives in the peaceful woods of Dutchess County with his wife and daughter. There, he enjoys meditation, yoga, wine, reading, and hiking, all of which inspire his writing.

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S2 E11 -Top Entertainment Lawyer Norman Bacal's Advice for Young Professionals Post-COVID

What is the difference between an average career and a successful one? Why are stellar communication skills critically important? What is grit and why does it matter more than innate natural ability? How do some people pull themselves out of poverty and into the ranks of successful entrepreneurs and professionals? Top Entertainment Lawyer Norman Bacal, in his clear and insightful book Take Charge, faces these questions and challenges young professionals to build the skills which can empower them toward professional success.

“You can float along, hoping everything works out; or you can take charge of your future beginning right now. There are tools you need to survive and thrive,” says Bacal.

The founder of prestigious Canadian law firm Heenan Blaikie and an attorney, Bacal has decades of experience and learned wisdom to draw on. Across the span of his career, Bacal noticed a void between what he was taught in law school and the practical skills he later developed that actually made a difference in building a successful career. In Take Charge, he provides a guidebook which gives back to the world of budding professionals, helping students and young entrepreneurs find their way toward success.

Norman Bacal is a retired attorney and the founder of the Toronto law office Heenan Blaikie. While building and leading this firm, he also became a widely sought expert in tax law for the entertainment business. He has represented studios such as Warner Brothers and MGM, and served on the Board of Directors for Lionsgate while they were producing the Hunger Games film franchise.

Upon retirement from practice in 2015, he took up writing, authoring the Globe and Mail bestselling memoir, Breakdown, as well as his Amazon bestselling fiction novel Odell’s Fall and a soon to be released second novel, Ophelia. Bacal actively mentors young professionals and is a frequent keynote speaker at universities, firm retreats, and conferences. Bacall holds a third degree black belt in Shotokan Karate and is an avid golfer. He currently resides in Toronto with his wife, Sharon.
Visit his website at

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S2 E04 – Cross Winds: The Business and High-Flying Adventures of SM&A Founder Steven Myers

Our guest on this week’s Book Spectrum can not really be categorized.
Is he a businessman? He did found S-M-and-A, led several companies and is what we call a “serial entrepreneur.”
Is he an adventurer? In 1992, at the end of the Cold War, Steven Myers became the first American since Charles Lindbergh in 1931, to pilot an aircraft into the Russian Kamchatka peninsula – to do business.
A life-improvement specialist? His dealings in Post-Soviet territories have made lives better for their populations.
Steven Myers is also a Mathematician and served in the Air Force… that’s a short list.
We wanted to learn more about Myers after reading his book: CrossWinds: Adventures and Entrepreneurship in the Russian Far East, so we invited him on the show.

For more on Steven Myers and his book, visit his website:

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S2, E02: Art Rios Says, :"Let's Talk"

Can you look back at your life and say you have no regrets? Are you bogged down by the meaningless complexities of the world? In his witty and poignant first book: Let’s Talk, lawyer and “Student of Humanity” – as he puts it – Art Rios says it’s never too late to make your life exciting, easier, and exceptional.

“When, where, why, and how did life stop being exciting and straightforward?” Rios asks. “We’ve taken on so much stress and worry. All the time. But why? For what?”

The book, Let’s Talk, is arranged as a series of “talks.” Rios offers fun, simple ways you can improve your life today. It can be as easy as spending more time with family, relaxing with a long lunch, or enjoying a lazy Sunday in your pajamas.

“Improving your life doesn’t have to be complicated,” says Rios. “It’s just a matter of putting a little common sense and thought into the way you’re living your life.”

Pick up Art’s book through his website:

S01-E04 – Ann Marie Hancock: You Can't Drive Your Car to Your Own Funeral

On the next #Book Spectrum, Chris welcomes Ann Marie Hancock, author of You Can’t Drive Your Car to Your Own Funeral. Ann Marie tells an honest and unique story about the challenges of #caregiving after her mother was diagnosed with terminal #cancer. The book is also about the bond between mothers and daughters with both compelling and funny stories from Ann Marie’s time with her mom.
Ann Marie Hancock digs deeper into her heart as she and her daughter together overcome the devastating effects of Multiple Sclerosis with a message of undeniable optimism.
#MS #MothersAndDaughters #CaringForAParent

Pick up the book on Amazon:

Ann Marie Hancock’s Website:

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S01-E03 – Susan Zimet: Author of Roses and Radicals: The Epic Story of How Women Won the Right to Vote

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. The women’s suffrage movement was not a new thing then, it was being fought for be courageous, pioneering ladies for over 70 years before the 1920 ratification.
Susan Zimet, anti-hunger advocate and author of the book Roses and Radicals: The Epic Story of How American Women Won the Right to Vote, talks with host Chris Cordani about the earliest days of the suffrage movement before the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, the work of women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone into the final authorization of the 19th amendment.
For more information on Susan Zimet, her book and her humanitarian work, visit her website:
Find Roses and Radicals on Amazon:
Find Roses and Radicals on Barnes & Noble:
Zimet discusses how female activists were beaten and tortured in the 19th century for little more than trying to win the right to choose legislators and leaders as well as how the movement played a role in the prohibition of the 1920s as women gained more political power though their new voting rights.
#19thammendment #womenssuffrage #books #history

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S01-E02 – Martin Lowy on "Capitalism For Democrats: Why We Need It"

Political #centrist, attorney and #entrepreneur Martin Lowy presents the moral relevance of capitalism and why it’s crucial for Americans to embrace it in his new book, “Capitalism for Democrats: Why This Country Needs It.”
Could this concise, well-written, easy-to-understand book could unite our country?
Despite the fake news, fighting politicians, and personal agendas, Lowy’s common-sense capitalism that embraces both necessary regulation and the supremacy of the consumer appeals to conservatives and liberals alike.
Find out why a former member of the Federal Reserve, a VP from Brookings Institution, a Supreme Court advocate and an Amazon Top 100 reviewer are so impressed with this important book.
Hear Martin Lowy on our next Book Spectrum.

Martin’s artiles from Seeking Alpha:

Barnes & Noble: