While politicians have used the Fentanyl crisis to grandstand while more people are dying each day from drugs laced with the deadly chemical, Lethal Doses tells the story of an undercover agent who was on the front lines, doing something about it.
In the book, author and former undercover agent John Madinger takes us into the world of clandestine operations in a quest to find one of the most notorious and dangerous illicit drug chemist, George Erik Marquardt, known as the “Godfather of Fentanyl.” While we usually only get to read the headlines after a major drug bust, Madinger brings the reader deeply into the world of fentanyl creation and a mental chess match between him, law enforcement and Marquardt in an effort to gather enough evidence to bring the prodigy chemical creator to justice.
While Madinger allows readers to appreciate what actually goes into investigating and prosecuting international drug criminals while virtually embedding them into the front lines of the War against Fentanyl, he also takes us into the mind of his adversary. We learn of the genius of Marquardt, his childhood, his personal trauma and what drove him into a life where he would soon become responsible for massive deaths of unsuspecting Americans. Rarely do we get that kind of perspective and fly-on-the-wall view of the intricacies of undercover drug enforcement ops and at the same time learn to understand the mentality of a criminal mastermind as well as what makes him proverbially tick.
Lethal Doses is an essential read for those who want to understand the War on Fentanyl, world of drug creation and what drives a highly intelligent person to such an illegal and deadly occupation.
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Linda Jensen to Small, Medium AND Larger Business Owners: What’s YOUR Exit Strategy?
What’s Your Exit Strategy? opened my eyes to the future outside of running my business. While we tend to focus on staying strong and expanding, Linda Jensen offers us valuable advice so we can be ready for outside hurdles and what to do when it’s time to sell.
Often we see books, and valuable ones, helping small and mid-size business owners build and strengthen. There are also plenty of books about life after retirement. Ms. Jensen’s book is unique and important as she teaches us in a pleasantly unorthodox way how to prepare for the ending of one’s business whether it be preparing to sell it or setting up a succession plan. What’s Your Exit Strategy? also helps those whose businesses might be suffering from an economic downturn, aiding someone who needs to transition from that particular endeavor to another venture. As a business owner, I have always looked toward running my day-to-day operations, servicing clients and looking for new challenges. Reading Ms. Jensen’s book has me more prepared for when the time comes to cash in on the many years of hard work, navigate the hoops one must travel through and look toward a nice post-business ownership life.
This is not a typical procedural “how to” book. Inside What’s Your Exit Strategy?, the reader will find lessons learned from the successes and failures of others who told their stories as Ms. Jensen narrates and delves into relatable, even when unanticipated, potential situations. These true tales keep the attention of the curious business owner whose time, frankly, is valuable and perhaps would not want to labor through a droning instruction pamphlet.
What’s Your Exit Strategy? is an extremely valuable book for Boomer and Gen X business owners who need to look ahead to very serious concerns outside the confines of the work days from not only Ms. Jensen’s expertise, but also through the experiences of others.
Get the book here: Amazon.com: What Is Your Exit Strategy: Maximize Your Business Mindset. Minimize the Minefields: 9781948261890: Jensen, Linda: Books
Lorraine Geraci Tells Her Story Through the Girls from Brooklyn
Author Lorraine Geraci set an intriguing fictional story based on her own real-life experience with recently finding her own birth mother in her new book: Girls from Brooklyn.
In the story, Ms. Geraci takes the reader to secret hidden magical realms, the lives of three unique women from the sixties into today, their lifelong connection and their showing that family is not always blood. Readers will the heroic actions of family and friendships that shaped their journeys. Mystery, adventure, magical powers and the unknowing demon that lies in the magical realm of Brooklyn is a rather enjoyable story on several levels both in the real world and fantasy realm.
Lorraine has been a Learning and Professional Development leader and speaker in the Mortgage and Utility Industries over the last 30 years.Her professional experience has also allowed her to instruct and present to over 15,000 Real Estate and Mortgage professionals nationwide. The art of verbal expression and writing was always part of what she focused on.As a certified professional coach, and novice writer for many years prior, Lorraine finally wrote and published her first book Living A RockStar Life in 2014. This self-help focused book provided advice on getting out of your own way to have the life you want and deserve. She incorporated this thought process into her personal and professional life over the years in Corporate America. In 2023, some major unforeseen life events provided her with the direction and passion to continue her writing crusade and share important stories and lessons.
Host Chris Cordani

Chris Cordani, host of Book Spectrum, used to love reading the backs and sides of cereal boxes, which led to him soon hearing about this place called the Library. After asking, “The library? What’s going on down there?” he decided to check it out. Years later, he created this podcast.
Through his career, Chris has created, hosted and produced several genres of talk and entertainment radio programs, creating and growing several throughout his career. Among his work, Chris also hosts the internationally-syndicated Revenge of the 80s Radio show, produces two shows airing in the NY-Metro market and worked in several capacities for stations of various formats throughout New York, including longtime talk station WOR. Through his work, Cordani creates content for radio shows and podcasts, books and interviews top newsmakers, leaders and celebrities from varied fields including entertainment, business, current events, politics, sports and history.